Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Meditations on perfection

The butterfly, requiring tremendous coordination and strength, is considered by many swimmers to be one of the most complex strokes to master. So when Coach Lisa asked us to execute a series of "perfect" butterflies at a recent workout, I counted myself among the country--or rather, continent--of swimmers filled with dread and self-doubt.

Fortunately, there was no need to fret because the 12 x 25s set was not only an exercise in confidence-building, but a source of unexpected bliss. For the first 25 yards, we began with one butterfly stroke and continued to swim freestyle the rest of the pool's length. In the next 25, we swam two "perfect butterflies," again followed by freestyle. It was a rhythmic fly, fly, fly, followed by free, free, free, free, free on the third lap of the pool. And finally, after building up to the goal of six technically perfect butterflies, we happily worked our way down the ladder back to one. Delight!

The one perfect butterfly in my reading life has been Ravi Howard's compelling debut novel, Like Trees, Walking. Incredible!

Thanks for the heads-up on Like Trees, Walking. I just found an ARC copy floating around - serendipidously. I ran back to your blog to see if it was the book you wrote about.

And thanks again for the cake!
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