Tuesday, May 29, 2007


The dazzle of the here and now

Captivated "by the dazzle of the here and now," Eamon Grennan writes poetry which offers refreshing "quick blinks" of the natural world. Each piece in "The Quick of It" is untitled, composed of ten lines and marked by a crisp use of color, rich movement and atmospheric change. Bloodred tulips, russet stones, "spear-shaped" green leaves and the "depthless black reflecting eye" of a finch are observed, as are: windhovering hawks, "the zigzagging cruise of bees" and a heron's rise and glide. Grennan asserts the need to "settle down" and "drink" in a world both lush and luminous.

These days, our pool workouts have been equally resplendent. Our focus is pure distance:
1 x 400 Free Pace
2 x 50 Kick*
2 x 300 Free Pace
2 x 50 Kick*
3 x 200 Free Pace
2 x 50 Kick*
4 x 100 Free Pace
2 x 50 Kick*
*Swim as recovery.

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