Sunday, December 23, 2007


A-leaping and a-swimming

This morning, we warmed up with 12 Drummers drumming (200 Free, 100IM) and 11 Pipers piping. And our main set consisted of:
Since setting my training goals for 2008, I've come to appreciate Sally Edwards' sage advice regarding time management. In Triathlons for Women, she writes:
If there's a consistently huge difference between the time you have and the demands you place on your time, you will crash and burn. Stay ignited, and find a new way to relate to time. Referees call time; musicians mark time...statisticians keep time; athletes race against time. The fact remains that we are all given the same amount of time. There are 24 hours in a day, 168 hours in a week. Use them fully--live every moment.

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